Saturday, May 8, 2010


OOH..I miss this blog so much. It's really been a while. I do have new cards that I've made once in a while. Hopefully I'll find the time to post them one by one. For now, this really feel like a comeback. Haha.

This is probably one of the fastest card I've made. For the record, the idea, the layout and the card was completed in just ten minutes! I was rummaging through the leftover cardstock when I chance upon this shimmering soft purple card which I've only used a quarter of it. The idea just pop into my head and the material was all there so before I knew it, tadaaa! A lovely card it made. Hehe.

I love the combination of the colours! Feels exotic. And the leaves are just so cool, aren't they? Found it at the beads shop and I'm so in love with it too! The bottom of the card was actually trimmed with a craft scissor when I used a quarter of the card before. Now i just fold the card to half and it did add a nice touch huh.


aryuelz said...

uiks..kejap nyer sepluh minit, hehe..

suke gak tone kaler die..simple n elegant =)

~maiefa said...

purple is always elegant. hihihi ;)

template by flower brushes by