Monday, May 10, 2010

My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.
~Graycie Harmon

True enough. A mother's comfort is never forgotten. It lingers in our heart and our existence. For my mother this year, I want a sweet soft theme card to represent the woman she is. So I picked this soft pale orange embossed card. It's actually embossed with rose pattern and I've used this type of stock card before in blue.
I don't want to go overly with the design. Therefore I simply paste a white transparent ribbon horizontally. Before that I pasted the word 'mother' using the foam letters in pink underneath. I was contemplating to add more embellishment underneath but none seems to suit the idea I had in mind. So, I just then add a few flower beads along the top strip of the ribbon. I really like the sparkly effect=)

I love you mother! Happy mother's day (^_^)


aryuelz said...

a very sweet card dear...
msti mak terharu gile (^_^)

~maiefa said...

yup, indeed terharu. thanks wak =)

template by flower brushes by