Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone
~G.B. Stern

Ok, now I have a thing for blue roses. The one I made here is quite a spontaneous idea. I feel it will be too pale a card if all were in pink colours. Then I remembered my wedding hand bouquet of blue and purple hydrangea. Blue is not in my list of favourite colour but now I do find certain hue of blue as striking and interesting. While I'm fiddling with these blue roses, my head is brimming with ideas of blue rose's cards. I can't wait to start on one but I have tons of laundry and cleaning up to do after my wedding leave. Patience honey.

A peek on the inside

This card is a request from a colleague for another colleague. I hope Puan Mimi likes this card :)


Woot! I have a brand new camera now. So I'll be taking my card's photos with lots of enthusiasm. I'm so excited that now the actual colour of the cards won't be compromised. You may have notice that lately my cards have been photographed outdoor because the natural daylight really helps compared to indoor photos. But now I don't have to worry anymore. Yeeha!

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